Tuesday, December 29, 2009

gluten free product of the day

Cecelia's Marketplace (www.ceceliasmarketplace.com) offers a really neat feature-- a gluten free product of the day entry delivered directly to your own personal email address. Signing up is easy- once at Cecelia's homepage, click on the green box on the right and sign yourself up!

You will get sent a daily link to see a picture of the product and a brief description. Some of the products are very obviously GF and some are good to remember for when I am wandering the grocery store aisles. For instance, today the item is Toblerone- good to know as I often see them at check-out at the grocery store, which means the young boys with me can see them also (isn't that just what the grocer wants??).

Within the next week I will be posting reviews for 3 restaurants!


  1. Did you know that IL taxes candy that doesn't include wheat? Everything that has wheat is considered 'food'. Nice huh? (Just thinking about that b/c of the candy reference).

    I'll have to check the site out - I haven't heard of that one!

  2. I signed up for the gluten free product of the day. Thank you for your tip.


Please leave me a message letting me know you were here. If you have a great suggestion for GF dining let me know that, also.